Do You Want a New Feature in the Diary? Suggest It and Vote! 👇 + Latest Updates

Do You Want a New Feature in the Diary? Suggest It and Vote! 👇 + Latest Updates
Are you looking for a way to make your diary even better? Have you got an idea for a new feature or improvement? If so, why not submit it and vote for the suggestions of other users? That way, we'll have a better idea of what to do first and the functionality that you need.
At TMM, we're always looking for ways to improve our diary and make it better. We believe that the best way to do this is to get feedback from our users. So, if you have a suggestion for a new feature or improvement, we'd love to hear from you. 🧡

We also want to ensure that everyone can have their say. That's why we're introducing a voting system for suggestions. You can vote for the proposals of other users and your own. This way, we can get a clearer picture of which features and improvements are most important to our users.

Feature Requests | Trader Make Money

So, if you've got an idea for how we could make our diary even better, don't hesitate to suggest it. And remember to vote for the suggestions of other users. Together, we can make our journal the best it can be!

Take Control of Our Feature Roadmap with the Voting System

We've also implemented a voting system to help us create a convenient roadmap for feature creation and implementation. With this system, we can ensure that we prioritize the features most significant to our community.

Latest Updates

  1. Through the voting process, we were able to come up with a solution that met everyone's needs. According to the survey, a popular request is to show trades for the entire month on a chart. Obviously, no limits will be enough to show a month at once in a small timeframe. So, we have implemented data loading from left to right on the chart.

2. Updated work with API keys. The 30-minute limit has been removed. Now, if the key is connected, nothing can be done until it connects. The rest of the time, there are no restrictions.

3. Added a setting in the profile for default sorting and grouping by the trade opening date or closing date. This setting works across the site, including the diary, summary, and my trades.

4. Updated the server, which periodically “died” under load, leading to the trades freezing. Now it is four times more powerful. 💪