TMM News 09/27: Summary Page Update, Anniversary and New Prices

Trending news! A huge Summary page update was released. At first glance, not much has changed, but a lot of work has been done under the hood to make the analysis of your trades even more convenient.

1️⃣ You can create multiple boards on the Summary page.

There are 2 boards available for the Trader level, and without restrictions for PRO 👌 You can, for example, distribute widgets by different API keys or put monthly analytics on one board, and daily analytics on another.

2️⃣ Each board has its own settings.

Clicking on the Pencil icon next to the board name, you can see all the filters you are familiar with. They can be customized for all widgets of the board, but this does not mean that you cannot customize an individual widget differently ☝️ The settings are combined and preference is given to the widget setting.

3️⃣ A moving average.

It is possible to add a moving average for the charts in the widget settings now.

4️⃣ Enlarge a widget to the entire board.

It is possible to enlarge the widget to the entire board (there are the arrows at the top right of the widget). This is my favorite feature 🙂 It's really great for a long period of time charts. Now you can keep the widget small and instantly enlarge it at the right time.

5️⃣ "Add widget" button is on the Summary page.

Adding a widget takes place on the Summary page now. There is the "Add widget" button at the top right.

How do you like the updates? You are welcome to share your suggestions in our @TraderMakeMoneyChat anytime 😎 journal is a year old!

And it's a high time to grow with us.

❗️ Storing data for the NOVICE will be stopped October 4. It means that all transactions older than one month will not be available (you will need to upgrade your tariff to keep them). Moreover, there will take place new tariffs' prices.

TMM updated prices
"We have been giving the most affordable prices and offered a basic set for analyzing your transactions for the whole year. And during this time we have added many great features, like:
- week and day analysis journal;
- risk management;
- improved almost all aspects of the site and tried to fix bugs that inevitably occur when working with exchanges.

All this time, everyone have had the opportunity to use the service for free. So it will be. And for those who value their time and are serious about trading, we offer advanced journal capabilities. And we gonna expand these capabilities every day, because our main goal is for you to earn more.

Those, who have been with us for all this year, will not feel the any rise, because you have moved to a completely new level. And there is still a week to buy desired tariff at the old prices😉

Together we will eager more ambitious goals!"

Love, TMM team 🖤