Exclusive $TKB Airdrop for TMM Users ⚡️[limited edition]

Innovative project TokenBot has announced an exclusive $TKB airdrop ahead of exchange listings. Only for TraderMake.Money journal users! Don't miss your chance, the amount is limited!

TokenBot is a tokenized copy trading network for social communities. And it's launching its native TKB token. Being the TMM partner, TokenBot provided our journal's community a great opportunity. TMM users will be among the first to get the drop ahead of exchange listings.

You must be a TMM user to participate, so if you aren’t yet, then make sure to register for a TMM account.

TMM users will receive based on their account tier:

  • FREE users: 500 TKB
  • Trader level users: 700 TKB
  • Pro level users: 1000 TKB

❗️ Please note: There will be a maximum of 600 users who can receive this airdrop on a first-come, first-serve basis.

3 easy steps to get the drop:

  1. Join the TokenBot Discord server.
  2. Sign up for TokenBot.com and add your API keys.
  3. Fill in the Google form 🚨

Project Description: TokenBot is a tokenized private cross-exchange liquidity trading network that connects algorithmic investment strategies to all participating exchanges available on the network.

  1. The TokenBot Network integrates with top centralized exchanges to enable cross-exchange copy trading for social trading communities.
  2. The TokenBot DAO enables algo traders to submit grant proposals for funding of their strategies by the community.

Further Information on TokenBot:

Still not a TMM user? It's a high time to join the team of PRO Traders!


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